Legacy Indramat motion control, as well as current Bosch Rexroth Indradrive electric motion control, will communicate with you using error codes that let you know what’s causing the problems you experience.
Starting with the Diax 04 drives, the power supplies were able to generate many more errors than before and had a two digit display similar to a drive error display to communicate these errors.
This is often the first problem, as the errors on the power supply can be confused with the errors on the drives. Fortunately, there is a significant difference between the two that can help you tell them apart:
- The drive errors show a 4 digit alphanumeric code.
- The power supply error codes have only 2 digits.
So if you see a 4 digit error code, the issue is the drive. If you see a 2 digit code, you might think that will always mean a problem with your power supply.
Not always
A power supply that’s not in error will display one of two codes:
- the standard “bb” code meaning “Unit Healthy”
- the Lb code meaning “Unit Running”
An error code may not mean that your power supply has a fault.
The single most common fault code that you will see on the power supplies is a 23, which doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with your power supply. It is an indication that the power supply is protecting itself from a bad drive by refusing to turn on. Seeing a 23 on the power supply is always an indication that you have a drive in fault. Look to the displays on the drives for further information.
There are a number of other fault codes that may show on these units. You can request a manual with all the codes. We also keep these units on the shelf for emergency exchange, for immediate shipment. Our concern is keeping you up and running, no matter what the fault. Call 479-422-0390 for immediate assistance with your Rexroth Electric Drive and Control product.