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KDV Power Supply

Rexroth’s KDV power supply units are designed for low heat loss and high performance. They provide power supply for AC drives. The standout feature of the KDV power supply is the external heat sink which extends out of the cabinet to reduce the danger of overheating. These are Rexroth legacy parts.
If this is the power supply you’re using for your Rexroth electric motion control system, you don’t want to replace or repair it with something kind of like a KDV power supply unit. Rexroth doesn’t supply original parts or schematics to third party repair shops, so you want your replacement unit to arrive in a box like the ones you see above, not in a recycled carton.
What do you need to know before you call for help?
It’s useful to know which KDV power supply unit you have. The three most common configurations are these:
KDV 1.3-100-200/300-115
KDV 2.2-100-220/300-220
KDV 4.1-30-3
Each KDV power supply has a diagnostic display. If you are having problems with your KDV unit, the diagnostic display can help you to limit the likely sources of the problem. Request a manual for the appropriate power supply to find the fault codes. These will help you to determine the probable causes of the problem.
However, attempting to repair the unit on the machine is not advised. It can be extremely dangerous. Even if you’re just planning to take the unit apart and poke around a little, you can be in danger of electrocution or injury from unintended axis movements. Electrostatic discharges can be dangerous to you and to the machine. You can unintentionally make a unit in need of a small repair into a completely worthless unit.
Instead of taking a chance on DIY, call us immediately for assistance. If you know, tell us which KDV power supply unit you have and what fault code you see. We provide phone support, field support, and factory repair and reman. We also have the largest inventory in the nation of emergency replacement units. With charter plane service to get your part to you as fast as possible, we can make sure that your facility experiences minimal downtime.
Factory repair and reman also ensure that you get your problem fixed right the first time. Often, the downtime and damage from trial and error end up costing you more than the repair or replacement of your unit. Call 479-422-0390 to get your machines back up and running fast, safely, for the long term.