F277 is a relatively low information error code, which is fine because there isn’t much you can do with it.
The official description is “Current Measurement Trim Wrong”, which is pretty uninformative. The verbiage in the manual is not much more help. So what is that F277 error? The short answer is that F277 is caused by a hardware failure in the drive, despite the fact that the description talks about parameters. Those parameters are not values you can change. And what exactly would you change them to, if you could change them?
F277 used to be the hallmark of a third party repair, and that may still be the problem. Third party repair shops can’t get new parts from Rexroth and they don’t have the training needed, so their repairs tend to be unreliable, if not downright damaging. Occasionally, though, you will see this error code show up on a drive that has been put through the wringer. Due to electrical aging or environmental distress, a component failure has occurred.
The solution, no matter what the problem cause was, is very simple. Replace the drive. There is nothing more to be done with it. “It’s dead, Jim,” as Bones would say on Star Trek. Fortunately we keep a large selection of emergency exchange units in stock for immediate shipment. Give us a call and we’ll get you back up and running… which is more than Bones could say.
Call us at (479) 422-0390 and we will send a replacement to you immediately. If you prefer, we can arrange for factory repair or reman for your faulty drive. This usually brings your drive back to you in like new condition, with a new warranty. It will even have the newest version of all replaced parts, which can make your replacement drive better than new.
Some components — especially those that have been through a third party repair — cannot be fixed. In that case, one of our emergency replacement units will be your best bet. We maintain the largest inventory in the nation, so you can expect quick turnaround.