IndraDrive C Error Codes fall into eight classes:
- F2xxx: non-fatal error
- F3xxx: non-fatal safety technology error
- F4xxx: interface error
- F6xxx: travel range error
- F7xxx: safety technology error
- F8xxx: fatal error
- F9xxx: fatal system error
- E-xxxx: fatal system error “processor exception”
You can tell which kind of error you’re looking at by the first two characters in the 5-character error code.
When an error flashes on the control panel, you can clear the error message by resetting or using the Esc button. However, if the error state still exists, the error message will immediately begin flashing again. If, for example, you see error code F2190, Incorrect Ethernet configuration, you will have to correct the ethernet configuration before you can continue using your IndraDrive C.
You can check the most recent 50 error messages for your unit with the IndraWorks D software.
Thr IndraDrive C is a current model.
IndraDrive C uses Ethernet-based communications with multi-protocol support: Sercos III, Profi Net IO, EtherNet/IP and EtherCa.t. The intelligent operating panel has a programming function which supports device swap without a PC. Digital inputs and outputs as well as analog input on board.
In line with newer Rexroth lines, the IndraDrive C is energy efficient and features drive-integrated safety technology.
We can provide a manual for IndraDrive C. Just use our Manual Request form.
Need more than a manual? We offer phone and field support, factory repair, and factory reman. We also have the nation’s largest inventory of emergency repair units, with charter planes standing by for the fastest possible delivery. Our goal is always to get you up and running with minimal downtime. Call 479-422-0390 for immediate assistance.