Monthly Archives: June 2019

How Exciting Is a Robot Chef?

Vivian Ho wrote a charming essay on her day spent sampling robot-made food. She never mentioned drive and control systems, servos, or downtime. Instead, she wrote about the cutely wiggling automatic arm that made her tea and the claustrophobia induced by the crush of human beings gathering around the machine that made her burger. We… Read more »

Robot Abuse

People rely heavily on their industrial robots. They’re getting used to home robots. But they’re also abusing robots. It’s an international phenomenon. People have beaten robots up, taken them apart and left them in pieces, kicked them, spray painted graffiti on them, and hit them with baseball bats. Sequoyah Kennedy of Mysterious Universe suggests that… Read more »

Is Blood the Newest Idea for Robots?

Robots are being envisioned as solutions to lots of problems, from a lack of willing agricultural workers to increasing need for disaster response. But robots have some problems of their own. Along with their tendency to fall down, running out of energy is a top challenge for robots. They use a lot of energy, so… Read more »

Where’s Your Servo?

Okay, you know where your particular servo is, but the truth is that servos are showing up in surprising places, including film studios. The company discussed in this video is German film studio The Marmalade. You know those commercials you see with a splash of beer spilling in golden loveliness into a crystalline glass? You… Read more »

Don’t Call Them Blue Collar Jobs

A writer for IndustryWeek recently shared that he was getting some flack for using the term “blue collar.” Back in the day, men in offices wore white shirts with white collars, while hard-working laborers wore blue coveralls with blue collars. Upton Sinclair called management “white collar” in the 1930s, but the Wall Street Journal was… Read more »

Robots Unwelcome?

Robots are integral to manufacturing. There’s a growing trend to let robots out of their cages, thanks to sensors that help cobots (coworking robots) recognize human beings and keep them safe from uncontrolled movements. Factory workers dress robots up in caps and vests, give them pet names, and appreciate their ability to take on physically… Read more »

Can Robots Clean up the Earth?

Robert Downey Jr., aka Iron Man, says that robots and nanotechnology combined will be able to clean up the earth within a decade. His first step is to organize the Footprint Coalition, which is expected to launch within one year. You can sign up for a newsletter now. The next steps beyond that are not… Read more »

Robot Baristas

In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, hapless earthling Arthur Dent meets a vending machine that uses a very sophisticated method to determine the specific preferences of its customers, but still gives everyone a cup of something that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea. It checks the customer’s taste buds, metabolism, and neutral… Read more »

Rexroth Factory of the Future Exhibit

Rexroth’s plant in Hoffman Estates, Illinois, has developed a Factory of the Future exhibit you can tour to see how cutting-edge technologies in industrial automation can change your factory experience. Key concepts include the Industrial Internet of Things, smart machines, and open standards, areas in which Rexroth has long been a leader. Modular design, an… Read more »

Biorobotics Next Inspiration: The Sloth

Robot designers often look to animals for inspiration. Here are just a few of the creatures that have provided new ideas for automation: Octopus Wombat Kangaroo Lizard Flea Bioinspiration for robots is almost always about mobility, though. How does a kangaroo get such efficiency of energy as it bounds across the bush? How does an… Read more »